Club Constitution

1. Name

The name of the organization shall be Haltemprice Squash Club and referred to as The Club herein.

2. Aims

The aims of The Club will be:

  1. To develop/promote the playing of squash by providing players of all levels the opportunity to play competitive squash in both individual and team events at a reasonable cost and at the same time enjoy the ‘social mix’.
  2. Provide junior coaching by a qualified level 2 coach who is DBS checked.
  3. To work with Haltemprice Leisure Centre and participate in promoting squash whenever possible. (Mini Leagues & Coaching).
  4. A NON profit making organization which does not have an annual membership fee.
  5. All monies received from Sponsorship will be declared in the financial year end report.


3. Membership

Membership is open to anyone:

  1. The Club uses the facilities at Haltemprice Leisure Centre, (Part of East Riding Yorkshire Council).
  2. There is NO annual membership fee.
  3. Entry into the competitions are charged separately and include reductions for juniors.
  4. Competitions include; Humber Squash winter league, The Clubs Summer League, The Club’s Knockout, Christmas Knockout competitions and mini leagues.
  5. Entry in to the Mini Leagues is free. Players pay for courts by booking through Haltemprice Leisure Centre.  The mini Leagues are managed by a nominated Club member.
  6. Fees to enter in all competitions are agreed by the Committee and payment is due on or before the date of the first fixture.
  7. Haltemprice Squash Club Players who compete in The Humber Squash winter league and are fully paid up are eligible to enter The Clubs Summer League competition at an entry fee set by the Committee.
  8. Haltemprice Squash Club Players who compete in The Humber Squash winter league and consistently play in the mini leagues will be considered for The Annual Club Championship.
  9. A list of all players competing in competitions will be kept by the Chair/Secretary and/or Financial secretary.


4. Equal Opportunities

The Club will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status or age.


5. Code of Conduct & Ceasing to be a member

  1. Once a player has agreed to enter a competition and/or paid the appropriate subscription they are deemed to be a member and agree to adhere to The Clubs Code of Conduct.
  2. Members may withdraw from any competition at any time by notifying the Chairman/Secretary.
  3. The committee will discuss the reasons for the withdrawal and may consider any reimbursement of fees already paid, depending upon the circumstances of the withdrawal.
  4. Any member who has not paid their competition entry fee at the competition start date will be contacted by a committee member, who will request/agree payment with the player or decide whether the player is deemed to have withdrawn his/her involvement.  Any player owing fees will not be allowed to enter any future competitions.
  5. Members are expected to behave in a reasonable manner and respect other users at Haltemprice Leisure Centre and also when visiting other locations whilst playing squash as a Haltemprice Squash Club member.
  6. Any misconduct, in the form of physical and/or verbal abuse including abusive language, racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks in breach of the details in Sect. 4 Equal Opportunities Policy will not be tolerated.
  7. Anyone reported to be behaving inappropriately or in an offensive manner or breaking the Equal Opportunities Policy (Sect.4) towards other club members, opponents or members of the public will be asked to explain their actions to the Committee.  The individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made. If the allegations are proven or repeated and an acceptable reason or an apology is not given by the individual he or she may be asked to leave The Club *.

* Any player withdrawing under such circumstances will NOT receive a refund of entry fees unless otherwise agreed by the Committee.


6. Officers and committee

The business of the Club will be carried out by a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee will meet as necessary as required and not less than twice (2) a year, including one Annual General Meeting.

The Committee will consist of 6 members. Additional members may be co-opted onto the committee at the discretion of the committee to lead in specific areas.


The 6 Club’s Committee’s officers’ roles & responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Chairman/Secretary, who shall chair both Annual General Meeting and General meetings, shall be responsible for the Agendas, taking of minutes and the distribution of all papers and the overall running of The Club. Coordinate Summer League and Club Championship competitions.
  2. The Treasurer will maintain all financial matters, accounts, maintaining and updating the Club's web site & social media and recording and monitoring Club data.
  3. The Fixture Secretary will coordinate the Humber Squash Teams, Fixtures and liaising with Humber Squash Officials and also coordinate the Christmas competition and social evening. Club and Team support.
  4. Club and Team support. Coaching and social media and support the Fixture secretary with the Humber Squash.
  5. Club and Team support. Coaching. General add-hoc activities.
  6. Club and Team support. Trophy management and general add-hoc activities.

In the event of a Committee member standing down during the year a replacement will be sought and elected at the next General Meeting.

If a replacement cannot be elected then their responsibilities will be shared between the remaining committee until a replacement is found.

Any committee member not attending a meeting without an apology for three consecutive meetings will be contacted a committee member and asked if they wish to continue or resign. 

The Committee meetings will be open to any member of The Club wishing to attend, who may speak but not vote.


7. Meetings:


7.1 Annual General Meetings (AGM)

  1. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held within fourteen months of the previous AGM.
  2. All committee members will be notified in writing at least 4 weeks before the date of the meeting, given the agenda, venue, date and time.  A general communication will placed on the Clubs notice board behind courts 2&3.
  3. Nominations for the Committee may be made to the Chairman/Secretary before the meeting, or at the meeting.


  1. The Committee will discuss and agree the previous year’s AGM minutes.
  2. Any Matters Arising.
  3. The Treasurer will present and discuss the annual accounts of The Club
  4. Summer League Finals & Presentation.
  5. Mini Leagues.
  6. Christmas Knockout and Social event.
  7. Humber Squash.
  8. Club Championship.
  9. Website Activity & Development.
  10. Junior Coaching.
  11. The committee will discuss and plan for the forthcoming year.
  12. Election of Officers and Committee.
  13. Any Other Business / Any proposals given to the Secretary at least 7 days in advance of the meeting will be discussed.


7.2 General Meetings (GM)

  1. The Club’s Committee will meet every six (6) months as a minimum.
  2. The Club Chairman/Secretary will call a General Meeting at an appropriate time in order to discuss/plan Club activity.  This meeting will also be used to raise and review any ongoing competitions, issues raised and any correspondence received.


7.3 Rules of Procedure for meetings

  1. The Club committee will behave in a professional and responsible manner.
  2. All questions that arise at any meeting will be discussed openly and the meeting will seek to find general agreement that everyone present can agree to.
  3. If a consensus cannot be reached a vote will be taken and a decision will be made by a simple majority of Committee members present. If the number of votes cast on each side is equal, the Chairman/Secretary of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote.


8. Finances

The finances of the Club will be maintained by the Treasurer on behalf of the Club at a bank agreed by the committee, currently Lloyds Bank PLC.

  • For cheque payments, two (2) signatories will be required. One being the Treasurer and the other a Committee member.
  • For other payments using internet banking, such as BACS payments, cash withdrawals, debit card payments or cash payments, will be the responsibility of the Treasurer.  The Chairman/Secretary will also have access to the main bank account via use of the internet banking. All payments will be requested/confirmed by email and records kept by the Treasurer for auditing purposes.
  • Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a financial statement given at the AGM or as and when requested.


 The signatories must not be related nor members of the same household.

  • All money raised by or on behalf of The Club is only to be used to further the aims of the Club, as specified under Sect 2 Aims of The Club of the constitution.


9. Amendments to the Constitution

  1. Amendments to the constitution may only be made at the Annual General Meeting AGM).
  2. Any proposal to amend the constitution must be given to the Chairman/Secretary in writing. The proposal must then be circulated with the notice of meeting giving at least three (3) weeks’ notice from the date the proposal was first received.
  3. Any proposal to amend the constitution will require a two thirds majority of those present at the AGM and entitled to vote.
  4. Minor changes to the Constitution reflecting operational changes to The Clubs activity can be made to maintain accuracy of detail.


10. Dissolution

If a meeting, by a simple majority, decides that it is necessary to close the Club it will call a General Meeting to do so. The sole business of this meeting will be to dissolve the Club.

If it is agreed to dissolve the Club, all remaining money and other assets, once outstanding debts have been paid, will be donated to a local charitable organization. 

A cooling off period of 3 calendar months after the date of the GM will come into force to allow for any alternative options/developments in respect of the future of the Club.

The charitable organisation will be agreed at the meeting which agrees the dissolution.



*26/07/2020 (TS) - Reference to 100 Club closure.

24/08/2022 (TS) - Dissolution time scale added. 

06/10/2022 (TS) - 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 & 6.6  Roles & Responsibilities updated.

11/05/2023 (TS) - Club Constitution 3.7 & 3.8 updated. AGM Agenda amended to reflect the closure of the 100 Club.

12/05/2023 (TS) - Section 9 agreed at the AGM held 11/05/2023